philosophy //
maybe you’ve seen or heard the cute flamingo phrases?? there’s a few. and they are a little bit cheesy, but you know what? they’re also pretty accurate! flamingos are awesome. so are you. and i believe putting yourself in front of a camera is important. my goal for your session is to EMBRACE YOUR INNER FLAMINGO — whether you feel majestically awkward or flocking fabulous — and have some FUN documenting your life!

exist in photos //
we all have pictures from the big life milestones — proms, graduations, weddings — but somewhere in life we often forget and our photos are what is quickly taken on our phones… or you can’t find a picture of yourself because you’re always the one behind the camera. those pictures and fun selfies aren’t bad (trust me, my phone is full of them) and they provide memories when you look back at them but hiring a photographer goes just a little deeper into creating and capturing moments with the ones you love to cherish + to share with those who love you.
when my daughter was 4 months old we did our first family photo session. was my husband excited about it? nope. had i lost all the baby weight? definitely not. but we did it anyway and have once (sometimes twice) a year since then. have we ever regretted it? not even once. my belief in how important it is to get you and your family in front of a camera was strong enough that i started yellow flamingo photo. i can’t wait to share this passion with you and help tell a moment of your story
behind the camera //
wife / mom
shenanigan enthusiast
music lover
wannabe skier
dessert for lunch haver
plant lady
sunglasses + trucker hats collector
binge knitter
yellow inspired
flamingo fan
why yellow flamingo //
naming or branding your business is hard. like really hard!! especially when most photographers just go by First Name + Last Name + Photography and yours is already taken in just about any combination you can think of. i spent a lot of time really thinking on this. what things do I like that represent me? what do i want to provide to clients? i came up with a short list one evening and even though it feels a little silly, yellow flamingo was on it. fast forward to the following morning —> my then 6 year old son is asking to raid his candy stash and asks if i’d like one of his flamingo candies (fyi - pink flamingo gummies exist!) he then proceeded with the thought “mom, what if they made yellow flamingo candy? you’d really like those!” and yes, i would, because yellow and flamingos are 2 of my favorite things. so the of course/duh/this is a sign moment with my kiddo clicked everything into place and i immediately knew my vision for what i want this to be.
but are yellow flamingos really a thing? according to the san diego zoo, flamingos are pink (due to their diet) — though the andean flamingo DOES have yellow legs :)